B. Deutsches & Schweizerisches MW

bestes Deutsches & schwizerisches Motivations Wochenende

revisiting the forgotten pits of Baden-würtenberg

In a long time LC Achen, Karlsruhe, Munich and Zurich came together to organize a joint recruiting IMW. It took a great amount of effort from lots of people, but the pay off made it all worth it. Around 80 people took part and had a great time, networking, partying and getting creative at our activities.

Programs and activities included:
Hiking in the valley nearby. Snowball fighting, sight seeing and having a Jolly Ol’ Time.
Paper Mobility Contest
The members got to explore their creative powers in the making of highly competitive paper cars and planes. It generated some award winning inventions and many joyful memories.
EMO and Space parties
As is customary at EESTEC we have thematized parties. This time We had a chance to get in touch with our gloomy, blue side by embracing the emo fashion.
The second night was spent in cloud night, between the stars and aliens.

Beuron in Baden-Würtenberg

The wonderful, quiet town of Beuron gave home to our co-organized Winter IMW. Our host at GruppenHaus Murmeltier was more than helpful and a lovely Gastgeber. 


Getting some air

Emo thematized party night

Thanks to every LCs' members who came to join us!

And special thanks to our OCs

Thank you all for joining us

We hope to see you again

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